


Mrs. Shelly Hopkins has had the privilege of teaching students as young as three and as mature as eighty-three years of age. She has taught students who have studied for pleasure and enrichment, and students who have studied for careers in music. Mrs. Hopkins enjoys sharing the gift of music with her students and strives to provide a learning environment that is positive and fun. Her goal is to teach students to be excellent musicians so they can enjoy and express themselves through the language of music for the rest of their lives.

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Mrs. Hopkins’ Education and Experience

Shelly Hopkins has maintained a private piano studio since 1991. She has a Bachelor of Music in Pedagogy and a Master of Education in Teaching Music from Bob Jones University. She has served in church music ministry since she was a teenager. Mrs. Hopkins has also taught violin, handbells, choral music, band, and general music in private schools for many years. Mrs. Hopkins has successfully prepared students for Piano Guild Auditions, Piano and Violin Performance Exams, and Theory Exams with the Royal Conservatory of Music.bose1

Private Lessons Available

Piano (beginner to advanced), Lever and Pedal Harp (beginner to intermediate), violin, flute, and trumpet (beginner to intermediate)

Studio Benefits

Piano lessons are given on a Bösendorfer grand piano, and harp lessons are given on a Lyon & Healy 23 Concert Grand pedal harp at my Shrewsbury studio. Families and students have an online Studio Account and unlimited access to the iPad app, Piano Maestro for home and studio use. Lessons are enhanced with technology such as iPad applications, and Music software. Students are offered the opportunity to participate in the Royal Conservatory Performance Exams and the National Piano Guild Auditions. All students are encouraged to play at the studio recitals.

Let’s Get Started!start today

Please contact me if I can help you achieve your musical goals!

Call me at 717.577.2693, or email me at piano@hopkinspiano.com.